Soon, we finished our second drink too . His cock had been begging for release and had a life of its own as it fired the initial spurt of cum up inside me; as my pussy spammed, it milked additional spurts of cum from his cock which flowed up inside me, filling me up. . ” I was speechless and scared when he said these words. He was pretty quick with his tongue
Soon, we finished our second drink too . His cock had been begging for release and had a life of its own as it fired the initial spurt of cum up inside me; as my pussy spammed, it milked additional spurts of cum from his cock which flowed up inside me, filling me up. . ” I was speechless and scared when he said these words. He was pretty quick with his tongue
Soon, we finished our second drink too . His cock had been begging for release and had a life of its own as it fired the initial spurt of cum up inside me; as my pussy spammed, it milked additional spurts of cum from his cock which flowed up inside me, filling me up. . ” I was speechless and scared when he said these words. He was pretty quick with his tongue